Tuesday, May 18, 2010 Y 4:24 PM

'Arlo. Seaside Rendezvous, by the King's Singers for your enjoyment/music-mugging. I should be posting up the mp3 into the gmail account soon, so keep a look out!

Monday, May 17, 2010 Y 5:23 PM

Dear all,

1. Please note that there will be no practice this saturday (22 May 2010) as AJC will be having their College Day events on that day.

2. The following scores have been uploaded on Gmail:

Don't Stop Believing
My Lord, What a Mornin'
Anata no kokoro no nakani
Furuete Okure
A maiden in a ring
O Magnum Mysterium
Seaside Rendezvous

Please feel free to download the scores and learn them if you foresee yourself being unable to attend practices due to other commitments.

3. An attendance sheet will be put up shortly on our Gmail account as well. You can access it from the Google Documents option. Please fill up your projected attendance and subsequently save the document.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the next practice! (29th May 2010)


Sunday, May 09, 2010 Y 11:50 AM

hey everyone as promised here're the links to the philippine madrigal singers. just enjoy the show. we've much to learn from them haha.

